Mitchell Taylor
Department of Mathematics
ETH Zurich
I am a Hermann-Weyl instructor as well an ETH fellow at ETH Zurich. Before this, I completed my PhD at UC Berkeley working under the supervision of Daniel Tataru. My main areas of expertise include dispersive and fluid equations, functional analysis, order structures, and phase retrieval. In PDE, I have worked on nonlinear Schrödinger equations, free boundary Euler equations, and magnetohydrodynamics. In functional analysis, I began by studying the various connections between minimal topologies, unbounded topologies, uo-convergence and universal completions. More recently, I have focused on metric properties of function spaces, e.g., free Banach lattices, positive bases, and subspace structure. Finally, I have done some work in approximation theory and signal processing; more specifically, on stable phase retrieval, frame theory, and greedy algorithms.